can't wait to move out
written @ 6:55 p.m. on 2005-05-22

So i might be moving in w/ a friend and her bf in july. depending on if my fiance gets his raise. i can't wait tho, hanging out w/ my friend and my fiance at the sametime, instead of hanging out w/ only one at a time.

On the other hand, im wondering what kind of chores im going to have while living there. i hope it's not 'clean out the fridge'. i'd love to vaccum, their floors need a good vaccuming. i also like to vaccum, it's kinda relaxing and let's me think.

I also don't want her and her bf to hear my fiance and i fuck, or vice versa. i have a feeling tho that im going to end up hearing them fuck since she told me that they do it like 3 times a friggin' day. my fiance and i r lucky if we get that a week. but w/e, my bed (that is if we get it in there) is pretty quiet when it comes to fucking on it.

I'm hoping to have weekends where i can drink and have a nice buzz b4 going to bed. since i'd b home and i dont have to walk past any parents, that would b nice, but my fiance would b the only one able to buy a case of mikes... i think a nice bj will do the trick.

Ya... good times


Past memories:

some ppl shouldn't get tattoos - 2005-08-28

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here we go again, w/ the damn template changing... - 2005-08-21

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