so i said to my doctor...
written @ 7:19 p.m. on 2005-04-15

Last week, i went to the gyno and i told him how that week i've been having these chest pains. so he tells me to book an appt. w/ my doc. i say ok even tho i'm feeling a lil' strapped for cash and i don't have health insurance either. just going to the gyno made me feel like putting my wallet in the hospital. then he tells me that this place down the road is waiting to take xrays of my chest.

I leave to go for the xrays, still feeling bad for my wallet. $30 out of $90 later, the xrays came back just fine. i knew they would. i don't know y i even went, i just had this "well, they r waiting for me, so might as well..." thing. then the next day, i went to my doc's, only to get this carrie girl. but b4 she seen me, i was waiting in the room in those paper clothe things. i HATE those things. i still feel naked wearing one, and the bottom part, i hate that the most b/c i never know how to position it when sitting on the table. then u sweat thru it, and i hate that also.

So anyways, im waiting in the room w/ my "paper clothes". i must've been waiting there bout 20 mins thinking "gee, im spending how much money just to sit in paper clothes and look at this sickening room." seriously, the more i looked at the room, the walls, and the things on the desk; the more i felt sick or something. finally she came in and i tell her bout my chest pains. she wants to take a blood sample to send to a lab for tests. so this girl comes in and sticks all these detectors on my body, mostly on my chest... so she saw my piercings...(the xray woman also found out). while taking the blood sample, it reminded me of the time i gave blood at school. i don't think i remem. it hurting so much. she must've done something wrong b/c i have this bruise on my arm for almost 2 weeks now.

After $30 of $70 later, the tests came back normal (like i thought) and she said i might have heartburn and gave me a 14 day pill thing to take. also said to stay off the birth control pills til im done w/ the 14 pills. or when im back to normal...

That weekend, i didn't mind not taking the birth control, but my fiance did. he hated the thought of going back to condoms. i don't really mind, it feels kinda the same and no feeling or worry bout "stuff" dripping out. ya, i kno...ewww! so all this shit just b/c i told my gyno that i was feeling chest pains. never again am i going to tell my gyno shit like that ever again. AND I BARELY MADE MY CAR PAYMENT! fucking doctor bills. ttyl-mary-


Past memories:

some ppl shouldn't get tattoos - 2005-08-28

now what did i do? - 2005-08-25

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here we go again, w/ the damn template changing... - 2005-08-21

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