html, it looks harder than i thought
written @ 11:51 a.m. on 2004-09-12

I made more surveys. i got inspired or something...

The other day, i was trying to do that "add this link and have the last 5 entries u made show up on ur diary" thing and it didn't work. no matter what i did. i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong or if it's just the layout i picked for my thing. i think it's the layout. when i compare it to my other one, my other one is nice and neat, it looks formal. this one looks all weird and some of the shit doesn't look important. i need help. someone plz...who knos this html shit, b/c i don't.


Past memories:

some ppl shouldn't get tattoos - 2005-08-28

now what did i do? - 2005-08-25

stick w/ the tried and true - 2005-08-23

here we go again, w/ the damn template changing... - 2005-08-21

the best orgasms r from oral sex - 2005-07-23

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